Saturday, June 16, 2012

Three Month Check-up!

Yesterday I had to go to my primary care doctor for my three-month checkup. I've been doing three month check-ups for almost 2 years because of how unpredictable my thyroid levels are. One visit they are too low, next time they are too high. And then because of the PCOS, getting my dosage right with my metformin has been a challenge. We are trying to achieve the right dose to encourage ovulation and treat insulin resistance without causing the icky side effects (diarrhea) that we do not want. Over a year later and I'm still having the undesirable side effects that should have cleared up after 2 months. So anyway, my official weigh-in at the doctor's yesterday was... 234!

So from March 13th, 2012 until June 15th, 2012, I've lost 27 pounds. January 15th (before I started trying to lose weight) I was at my highest weight ever of 269. It's been a couple of years since I've seen the low 230's, and I am excited because before long I should see the 220's, and I haven't been there in almost 4 years.

Needless to say, the doctor was very excited for me. She took the blood work (ick!) and told me she'd call me Tuesday about results pertaining to a small complaint of lethargy I had during the visit. Then she proceeded to parade me around the office (in a good way) and tell everyone about how great my weight loss has been and how excited she is for me.

She finished by telling me that I don't have to do 3-month visits any more (yay! Without insurance, it's expensive!) and I get to start 6-month visits. She said that she hopes to see me below 200 the next visit we have.

And then it finally hit me. I am finally closer to 200 than I am to 300! I could very, very likely be under 200 by the end of the year. I am excited and overwhelmed. Really, really overwhelmed. When I got married at 16 years old, I was already 189. I am only 35 pounds away from my pre-marriage weight. I am already halfway there. By my 8-year anniversary (Aug 2013), I could be WELL below my honeymoon weight. At age 14 I was 165 pounds. I could soon be the same weight as I was in high school! (high school pictures below, both at 15 years old)


I know that these figures have been in my face this whole time, but when you actually start being successful, the numbers start meaning more than ever. I barely have any memory of my life before getting married but I know it was full of self-loathing and fear. Back then I felt huge. Right now I feel like the Michelin Man...

... So it's been a real challenge to believe that I can be fit. I've always known I talk a good game. I've never been this close, or "dieted" this long. I've never, ever participated in exercise. 

The doctor saying those simple words, "I expect I'll see you below 200 on our next visit", said so much for my future. It made me really understand that all of this is not in vain. I've got about 13 months to drop as much weight as possible before I start trying to conceive in July 2013. We've picked that month because my husband's insurance has open-enrollment during July, so I can get insurance and then start trying. By next July, who knows what I'll weigh? 190? 180? 170? Even less? Who knows?!

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